International routes - Lithuania - Latvia - FAQ

Are bus departures guaranteed?
Yes, they are.
Will the bus wait if the plane is late?
Unfortunately not, this is a scheduled route.
Are reservations required? Can I buy direct from the driver?
Reservations are recommended in order to guarantee a seat, but you can also purchase from the driver if seats are still available.
How much does the ticket cost?

Per person, tickets cost:

Klaipeda to Riga or Riga to Klaipeda  from 30 €.

Klaipeda to Plunge or Plunge to Klaipeda  from 25 €.

Klaipeda to Šiauliai or Šiauliai to Klaipeda  from 20 €.

Any discounts for students?
Any discounts for elderly or people with reduced mobility?
How much does a ticket for a child cost?

For children under 4 years - free of charge.

20% discount is applied fo children from 5 to 12 years.

Discounted tickets are available from the driver only.

Can I book a seat by phone? What is the phone number?
No, the only way to purchase a ticket is via the internet at or from the driver (subject to availability).
Where exactly does the bus pick up passengers in Klaipeda ?
Klaipeda bus station, bus stand 5.
Where exactly does the bus pick up passengers in Ryga Airport?
On ground floor, outside Arrivals, next to "International bus" sign (near taxi stands).
Can people take this bus if they are not airport passengers?
Is it possible to reserve a seat online without payment?
No. If is not paid for the ticket, reservation will invalid.
Are there discounts for return tickets?
Only on the Klaipeda-Ryga route, a return ticket either way costs 56 €

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